12 April 2012

Weekly Menu 4.12.12

Last week, we had an Easter Feast.  You always forget the major amounts of leftovers from Easter.  So, we haven't made a lot of the food scheduled for post Easter feast.  We didn't even attempt to eat dinner on Sunday night, much less prepare it. 

And I was gone both Monday and Tuesday evenings.  Which meant that my people were even happier than I would have been with the smorgasbord of leftovers in the fridge. 

So, we've shifted most things forward to this week, with a few minor changes.

Thursday 4/12
Lunch -  We have a field trip, so we're likely going to bop out a bite.  
Supper -  Pulled Pork Enchiladas.  I'm making this up today.  And taking to friends as well.  This is breaking all sorts of rules, but they're an understanding bunch and I have pounds and pounds of pulled pork calling to me leftover from a sparsely attended Wednesday Night BBQ at Church last night. 

Friday 4/13
Lunch - Sammiches / Mish Mash, as my Mama used to call it.  (This is code for find what you can people; find what you can)
Supper -  Date Night with the Hubby

Saturday 4/14
Lunch - Baby Shower for a Dear Friend at our house.  I'd say what we're eating, but she'll read this, so I best not ruin her surprises.  It's a modern classic luncheon.  How is that for nonsensical?  I'll post pics and a menu next week for posterity.  And for her mother, who is a thousand miles away.  
Supper - Shower leftovers.  It's not fun, but it's the most responsible I can be.

Sunday 4/15
Lunch -  Tuna Salad Sandwiches
Supper - Spaghetti and Meatballs

Monday 4/16
Lunch - Leftover Spaghetti for the Grown Ups; Sandwiches for the Small People
Supper - Bean Burritos

Tuesday 4/17
Lunch - Cooking Class with the Kids  (They get to get out their kids' cookbooks and go in the pantry and see what we can rustle up.  It's a great Math and Reading exercise.  Especially when I make Ada Brooks tell me what all the measurements would be in reduced fractions if we were trying to prepare exactly 2/3 of the recipe.  What is 2/3 of 1/4 of a cup? Well, 2Tbls, 1tsp, clearly.....)
Supper - Red Beans and Rice

Wednesday 4/18
Lunch - Red Beans and Rice
Supper -  Out to Dinner to Celebrate A Successful Score on A Final Latin Exam. 

(Hopefully.   We won't dangle but rather surprise with this specific carrot.  She's worked hard all year, though - and this is the first real, consistent, difficult, academic work she's done, so it will deserve to be celebrated.  I do love that kid.  If she doesn't work for the next six days, and bombs it, though, we just won't say anything.) 

A good week of food and a cheap run to the store considering most of it was bought erroneously and ambitiously last week!

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