[Notice the handy-dandy bolding, which allows you to skip my running stream-of-consciousness narration and just see what we're eating]
Friday: We had some of our favorite friends over for Lasagna and Caesar Salad and French Bread and Chocolate Caramel Cake. I think it's kind of ridiculous to make lasagna and not share. I mean - it's a lot of food. It's a recipe I've changed up a bit (think i'll leave one alone one day?) out of River Road, which is the Baton Rouge, LA junior league cookbook and is legendary. The cookbook, not the lasagna, although we love love love the lasagna - it's the best traditional tomato sauce, beef and cheese lasagna I've had.
[Do you watch how i met your mother? Neil Patrick Harris plays Barney, and he says "Legen....wait for it...wait.... dary" and it's ridiculously funny]
Saturday: I'm roasting chickens. Daddy and his gf, Carrie, are, last minute, coming. She's a vegetarian, so I'm also doing risotto, homemade bread, and an oven fries recipe in this month's southern living, and a big green salad. She'll get enough calories with the overload of carbs, I believe. Carrie's bringing dessert.
Sunday: Going to Daddy's cabin with a few friends and having Hamburgers on the grill! Baked Beans! French Fries! (This is what we had EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY NIGHT while i was growing up. I think it's probably a tradition I should try to replicate better... But it's not very good for you, not very easy (hand-fried french fries are a chore...), and not as cheap as bean burritos...)
Monday: I have a sweet, darling friend's baby shower supper at Julep, where I will most likely order a fish burrito, but cannot promise anything at this juncture. I'm making bean burritos for the rest of the crew before I'll leave. Burritos all around!
Tuesday: Tomato Tart. Fresh Green Beans. Salad.
Wednesday: We are not eating at church this week because pretty much our favorite people in the world (actually, we are blessed with a lot of favorite people), Eason's godfather, Jacob, and his girlfriend, Kristen, are coming. We had supper with this dear man almost every Sunday night for four years while he was in medical school here in Jackson. His mama wasn't here to feed him, and so I started feeding him - we talked theology and/or watched movies. And now he's in Charleston, SC, doing a residency. He has this week off. His girlfriend still lives here (which works out well for his priorities when visiting), and so he's bopping to Jackson, which thrills all five Forster souls. Well, I don't think Collins much cares, but the rest of us, well, we're jumping for joy.
So, after church, we're feasting with them and our other Sunday Supper friends, Calen and Will, who also miss Jacob and Kristen, and who without their presence, Sundays would have all of a sudden become miserable when Jacob abandoned us for Charleston.
Shrimp and potato porridge (Jacob's and Paul's and one of my favorites) and Steak on the grill. I guess I'll make a salad, but Jacob won't prefer me to put anything on it besides lettuce and italian dressing, so.... (we obviously don't love him for his discriminating culinary taste).
Thursday: Chicken Salad, made with leftover roasted chicken and homemade mayo, grapes and almonds, Monterrey Jack Salsa with Tortilla chips, Wheat Thins, Chocolate Chess Squares, all transported to a quilt to hear the Jackson Symphony play in our neighborhood. People say fondren dwellers are snobby. Well, does the symphony play in your neighborhood one Thursday every fall?
I'm just kidding. Sort of.
Busy week - both culinarily and socially - but I like life like that, so that works out. =)
Eat Well, Do Good Work, Keep In Touch.
(copyright infringement much?)
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