So, today, back on the bandwagon indeed.
Be patient. I'm going to see if I can remember all the food we've had thus far this year.
I may can do it.
Saturday, January 1: My dad got married! We had open faced tomato sandwiches, champagne, and then went to an italian place for lunch where we had toasted ravioli, bruschetta, lobster fettucine, basic italian salad, meaty rigatoni, chicken marsala, mashed potatoes, wilted spinach, apple tart, tiramisu.
Yes, I had one bite of each thing (and about 8 of the toasted ravioli), and yes, I'm still full.
For supper that night, we were once again treated by daddy and his bride Carrie - this time with catered, cocktail party type heavy hors d'oeuvres (will there come a day when I don't have to google "hors d'oeuvres" to confirm spelling? ever? Will there? Beuler? Beuler?). I don't even know what all I ate.
Sunday, January 2: Church, then mexican food out with my darling little brother (who calls me middle aged, which is not funny) and his sweet girlfriend (who knows not to say such things). I had bean burritos. Don't I always? Then leftover cocktail party heavy hors d'oeuvres (looked it up again) for supper with a big crew of church folks here.
Monday, January 3: Went to friends' house for supper. Didn't have to bring a thing. Not a thing. Nothing. Didn't chop an onion, peel a head of garlic, or even measure anything all day. They served us yummy jambalaya, roasted veggies, some great bread, and chocolate iced sheet cake brownies. I made that last part up, but we couldnt decide exactly what they were. But they were good. Very, very good.
Tuesday, January 4th: Went to my ma's house. Didn't have to bring a thing. Not a thing. Nothing. But I did get put to work once I got there, which is great. I love to work in my mother's kitchen. We had black bean soup and a big, great, yummy green salad.
Wednesday, January 5th: Pizza at church. As it should be.
Thursday, January 6th: We had a bunch of friends here to burn Christmas trees!
It was Epiphany (the church holiday for celebrating the revealing of Christ to the world, most traditionally, with the visitation of the magi to the young Jesus). So, the kids made paper crowns for all the kids coming, and most of them sported them - in honor of the wisemen (and women? perhaps at least a harem?) who visited Jesus.
We ate red beans and rice, and everyone who came brought something to contribute to the meal. I wasn't happy with my red beans - I did them in the crockpot - not enough flavor. Oh well, life goes on. But we had a great time playing in the fire-lit back yard.
Friday, January 7th: Paul and I went to a party celebrating the recent marriage of the priest who married us, Ollie, to his beautiful young bride, Ellie. We had a good time visiting with friends, though didn't eat enough. We went to bed hungry, and felt as though that made up for the wine we drank.
Here are Ollie and Ada Brooks at our rehearsal dinner. Two of the cutest people I know.
Saturday, January 8th: we AGAIN were hosted by friends for supper (We are very blessed indeed). This time we were served traditional, but surprisingly satisfying spinach artichoke dip. There's a reason someone invented that stuff. Then chicken, sundried tomato, cream sauce, bowtiepasta. Then cheesecake with lemon curd for dessert. All great. I brought the salad. Which was really very good, if I do say so myself. Baby spinach, Jarlsberg cheese, Orange and Yellow bells, shaved purple onion, ranch.
Sunday, January 9th: Because of the icy roads in Jackson, church was canceled. We had folks here for singing and prayer and then had a lunch-amalgamation of whatever everyone could come up with to eat. It included: Blackbeans, sausage and rice, salad, sausage and potatoes, chicken casserole, more rice, two different cheesecakeish desserts, chocolate chess pie, deviled eggs, blackeyed peas, and maybe some other things I'm forgetting.
For supper, we had leftovers, yummy beer bread and a bite or two of roasted chicken.
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